When all your youth is but memories And the years bring parting of the ways These are the times we shall dream about And we’ll call them the good old days.


Each year the show raises money for charities that
support children or Child related Charity


Our Charity Appeals

Have Raised over £22500

 1987 Mark Hope Fund-Burns Unit Guys Hospital  £900
 1988 Scout & Guide Project – Gt Ormond Street   £700
  1989 Berkshire Ambulance – Defribrillators  £600
 1990 Go For a Million Scout Challenge – Barnardoes   £530
 1991 RNIB Looking Glass Appeal Sunshine House School  £530
 1992 Royal Berks Hospital Childrens Diabetic Clinic  £800
 1993 Paul Bevan Hospice  £900
 1994 Childrens Resource Centre – Bracknell  £900
 1995 Home Start S.E.Berkshire  £725
 1996 NSPCC East Berkshire  £675
 1997 BBC Children In Need  £850
 1998 Heatherwood Hospital Childrens Unit  £875
 1999 CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young)  £850
 2000 The Ark – South Hill Park  £900
 2001 DEBRA The Butterfly Children  £1100
 2002 Daisy’s Dream  £950
 2003 HCPT The Pilgrims Trust  £1000
 2004 ThamesValley & Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust             £1068
 2005 S.E.Berkshire Deaf Childrens Society  £800
 2006 Menigitus Research Foundation  £900
2007 PEACH (Parents for the Early intervention of Autism) £900
2008 Different Strokes   £800
2009 Sebastian’s Action Trust £1000
2010 CLAPA £800
2011 KIDS South East